UOC priest wins the nomination "People who impressed us in 2023"

Archpriest Borys Kovalchuk. Photo: dialogtut.org

Archpriest Borys Kovalchuk, the rector of the St. Demetrius Church (UOC) in the village of Pylypovychi, Kyiv region, has won the contest "People who impressed us with their fortress and thirst for recovery" organised by the media project "Nezlamni.CITY". The results of the contest were published on the project's website.

According to the results of the contest, 3900 people voted for the UOC priest.

During the Russian occupation of the Kyiv region Fr. Borys led out of Pylypovychi 4 columns of cars with residents of different villages and towns who were trying to escape the shelling. After successful rescue missions, the priest filled his bus with humanitarian aid for fellow villagers and returned home again.

Now the priest continues his volunteer mission, visiting Ukrainian soldiers on the front lines with humanitarian aid and moral and spiritual support.

As reported, a UOC cleric organised the evacuation of 1,500 residents of the Kyiv region.

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