OCU in Rivne "consecrates" Plast scouts flag with the name of Nazi ally

Flag of a Plast kuren with the name of Vlas Samchuk, a collaboration writer who supported Hitler's occupation of Ukraine. Photo: Facebook page of the Rivne City Council.

On February 20, 2021, in the Holy Intercession Cathedral of the OCU in Rivne, the flag of the 33rd youth kuren of the Plast scout organization was consecrated with the name of their “patron” – OUN writer Vlas Samchuk, Rivne City Council reports on its Facebook page.

About 60 young Plast members gathered for the dedication, who took an oath of loyalty to the ideas and goals of the organization and pledged to keep and respect the flag with the name of Samchuk, which embodies Plast's high ideals.

Vlas Samchuk was a member of the cultural and military structures of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, had connections in the Ukraina Reichskommissariat, with the support of which he made a number of trips throughout the occupied Ukraine in 1941-43.

As the UOJ reported, the "priests" of the OCU in Ivano-Frankivsk sang "our father Bandera".

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