Zoria: Epifaniy and I did not intend to serve with Church of Finland head

Dumenko and Zoria did not want to serve with the head of the Finnish Church in order not to bring along full vestments. Photo: OCU website

Metropolitan Evstratiy Zoria, the spokesperson for the OCU, on his Facebook page referred to reports in Greek and Ukrainian media as "false" that he and Epifaniy initially intended to concelebrate at the liturgy together with Archbishop Leo, the head of the Finnish Church, but the latter refused concelebration under pressure from the clergy and parishioners.

Zoria stated that in the Finnish Church of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, he and Epifaniy were received "at the highest level" with "exceptional respect and honor".

According to Zoria, two weeks before the visit, it was decided that there would be a liturgy concelebrated by priests, during which all present bishops would pray, and then all would commune together at the altar.

Zoria assured that the decision to refrain from joint service was made due to "inconveniences in travel" caused by transporting the "full vestments and many details" for the hierarchical liturgy. That's why the OCU decided to forgo the "full ceremonial".

Zoria also pointed out that "we were presented with commemorative panagias by Archbishop Leo, made for the 100th anniversary of the granting of autonomy to the Church of Finland."

"What more evidence of respect, esteem, and fraternal Christian communion is needed?" Zoria emotionally asked his subscribers and advised them not to read "informational garbage".

Earlier, the UOJ reported that, according to Greek media, hierarchs from the Phanar refused to concelebrate with Epifaniy in Finland.

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