Court closes the case against the secretary of UOC Rivne Diocese

Archpriest Viktor Zemlianyi. Photo: Rivne Diocese

On December 26, 2023, the Rivne Regional Appellate Court closed the criminal proceedings against Archpriest Viktor Zemlianyi, the secretary of the Rivne Diocese of the UOC, as reported by diocesan press service. The priest of the UOC was exempted from criminal liability because eight years had passed since the alleged actions.

"It is not the right of the court to exempt from criminal liability due to the expiration of the term but an obligation of the court. The imperative norm is a requirement that is not discussed," commented human rights activist Raisa Dmitrenko.

The prosecution disagrees with the closure of the case, and the victim, Mr. Bobrovsky, claimed in court that he did not receive summonses, and the case was closed without his participation.

"I asked the victim if he was familiar with me? Mr. Bobrovsky replied, 'No.' Then I asked, 'How could I have harmed you?'" recounted Archpriest Viktor Zemlianyi.

According to the materials of the indictment, in June-November 2015, Archpriest Viktor Zemlianyi distributed brochures that "humiliated the religious feelings of believers of the UOC-KP and the UAOC and contributed to the incitement of feelings of alienation and mistrust between the believers of the UOC and supporters of the UOC-KP and UAOC."

Moreover, the investigation believes that Father Viktor allegedly "offended the beliefs of UOC-KP believers" during the filming of the movies "Persecution" and "Ukraine. Operation 'Mazepa.'"

As reported by the UOJ, in October, the court closed the case against Archpriest Viktor Zemlianyi, but the regional prosecutor's office filed an appeal against this decision.

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