UOC community liquidated in Nadvirna

A "trio" in Nadvirna, which liquidated the UOC community. Photo: Andriyovych’s Facebook

On 23 December 2023, the mayor of the town of Nadvirna, Lviv region, Zinoviy Andriyovych announced on Facebook the liquidation of the only UOC community in the town – St. George's.

"A historic moment on the Spiritual front! We officially terminated the right of existence or rather liquidated the activities of the Church of the "Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious" in our community. The path to the liquidation of the enemy church was not easy, because we had to go through the procedure of public hearings and several months of waiting," wrote Andriyovych.

He stated that after the hearings there was "liquidation of the legal addressing of Muscovites in black robes". However, Andriyovych did not specify based on what law the vote of a group of outsiders got the right to liquidate the religious community.

According to him, "It is unacceptable that a church that blesses Russian soldiers to kill Ukrainians should function in the state during the war."

In the comments, he wrote that before the "liquidation" the UOC community operated secretly, "in the underground". Part of the parishioners moved to the OCU while special services are dealing with others. Andriyovych also complained that citizens are "indifferent" and do not want to conduct explanatory work with the parishioners of the UOC.

As earlier reported, the mayor of Nadvirna organised hearings to eliminate "devils in black robes".

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