Synod of Greek Church speaks out against same-sex marriage legalisation

Greek synodals have spoken out against same-sex marriage. Photo:

The Holy Synod of the Greek Church has issued a circular expressing a negative attitude towards the legalisation of same-sex marriage, reports the Athens News website.

The Synod sent out an encyclical signed by Archbishop Hieronymos to all metropolises, which outlines the Synod's concise position on marriage and adoption in favour of same-sex couples.

The Holy Synod opposed civil marriage in general, not just civil marriage for same-sex couples.

The encyclical states that the Greek Church opposes "same-sex parenthood because it does not satisfy the right of children to have a father and a mother and, secondly, same-sex marriage because it leads to same-sex parenthood."

The Church of Greece also stresses that children should not be used as a tool for "activist pressure" and that "children are not pets for those who want to feel like caretakers, nor are they 'accessories' that formalise or make socially acceptable same-sex partnerships".

The Holy Synod's encyclical also notes that "as the European Court of Human Rights has explained regarding the institution of adoption, the state must provide a child with a suitable family to raise him or her, and not give children to anyone who wants to become a parent."

"In the context of adoption, the priority is the best interests of a child who has no parents or suitable parents, not the opinion of an adult who considers himself a suitable parent," the document said.

As reported, according to the Greek bishop, the authorities are taking away the freedom to believe in God with their laws.

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