UGCC rep assures blessing LGBT couples will affirm them in Gospel spirit

Head of the UGCC Commission for Family Affairs Yuriy Podlesny. Photo: RISU

The head of the UGCC Commission for Family and Laity and head of the UCU Political Science Department, Yuriy Podlesny, commented to RISU on the Declaration of the Dicastery of Faith, which allows same-sex couples to be blessed.

According to him, this document is "definitely not about recognising or approving homosexual relationships".

Podlesny assured that when a Catholic priest would bless an LGBT couple, "it is not about approving their current lifestyle, but about the Church's involvement in their lives to affirm them in the spirit of the Gospel to live according to God's plan."

He complained that the Declaration has been followed by misinterpretations from "representatives of different GOs and LGBT representatives" who "want to see and hear what they want to see and hear and pass it off as reality without having read the document itself."

At the same time, RISU readers on Facebook criticised Podlesny's words.

"God is Truth and Light. And Truth never needs ambiguous interpretation. If it is necessary to clarify and prove, it is not from God, it is from the Evil One, the father of lies," said Tatiana Kalina.

"Sodomy is no longer a sin, the Bible to the dump, lgbt priests, the end of the world, the apocalypse. Sad," wrote the "priest" of the OCU Vladyslav Kabanets.

"Weak advocacy. A gay couple who have no intention to change their lifestyle, no repentance, etc. come to the priest and ask for a blessing. A blessing FOR WHAT should be given to them?" asks Lev Chmil.

As earlier reported, the Vatican allowed RCC priests to bless same-sex couples.


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