UGCC announces plans for the canonization of Guzar

Guzar's grave. Photo: UGCC website

The head of the UGCC Sviatoslav Shevchuk announced plans to beatify the previous leader of the Greek Catholics Lubomyr Guzar, according to the website of the UGCC.

Shevchuk announced the founding of the "Blessed Lubomyr Foundation," whose task is to "collect every pearl that creates the greatness of his personality." According to him, when Guzar was buried in 2017, the Uniates left special notebooks in the cathedral to record memories of him.

Shevchuk believes that such records about a person are "signs of his sainthood."

He said that according to the canons of the RCC, "when 5 years pass after the death of some righteous person, and the veneration of his person does not disappear, then there is a basis to officially open the process of beatification."

"And we intend to do it," said the head of the UGCC.

Earlier the UOJ wrote that Lubomyr Guzar called the religious procession-2016 of the UOC from Pochaiv and Sviatohirsk Lavra to Kyiv "cynicism and cunning".

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