Turkish media remind Fanar Exarchate head in U.S. about Turkish citizenship

Archbishop Elpidophoros with US politicians. Photo: aydinlik.com.tr

Turkish media reminded the head of the Exarchate of the Phanar in the United States, Archbishop Elpidophoros, of his Turkish citizenship. The Turkish nationalist publication Aydınlık expressed concern that "Elpidophoros used the adjective 'ecumenical' in relation to the Phanar Church."

Aydınlık, with a multi-million readership, published an article titled "Support for Southern Cyprus by the Greek Church of the Phanar," accusing Archbishop Elpidophoros of supporting Greece and Cyprus during a meeting with representatives of the U.S. government.

According to the publication, Archbishop Elpidophoros met with officials from the White House, the State Department, the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, and Congress at an event organized by the Manatos family, representing the Greek community. During his speech, Elpidophoros highly praised the Manatos family's contribution to the "passionate defense of Hellenism, Cyprus, Greece, the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and our Holy Archdiocese in America."

Aydınlık reminded that members of the Manatos family held various government positions during the presidency of John F. Kennedy, and some members are involved in lobbying for the interests of the Greek and Roman diaspora in their firm Manatos&Manatos.

The publication also reported that during a meeting with U.S. Congressman Gus Bilirakis, Elpidophoros stated that "he is a defender of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and always supports Greece and Cyprus," adding that the Constantinople Patriarchate also supports Greece and Southern Cyprus.

Aydınlık expressed outrage that "Elpidophoros used the adjective 'ecumenical' in relation to the Phanar Church, which contradicts the Lausanne Treaty," and accused Turkey of genocide.

In the conclusion of the publication, Elpidophoros was reminded that he was born in the Bakırköy district of Istanbul, is a citizen of Turkey, and is among the possible candidates for the position of patriarch after the death of Bartholomew.

Comments on the article suggest that "Patriarch Bartholomew cannot act as the leader of an independent religious state, and the governor of the Phanar district should conduct the necessary investigation and initiate legal proceedings."

Earlier, it was reported that Archbishop Elpidophoros is alleged to fraudulently implement his views.

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