Sts. Peter and Paul Church seized in Bucha

Seizure of the temple in Bucha. Recording from video cameras. Photo: UOC

On December 18, early in the morning, Sts. Peter and Paul Church of the UOC was seized in the city of Bucha (Kyiv region), as the Center of information of the UOC reports.

According to Bishop Arkadiy of Hostomel, at 5 a.m., the security received a report of unknown individuals entering the church. The door was broken down, and later, "priests" of the OCU joined these people.

Bishop Arkadiy filed a statement with the police, and the legal team of the diocese is preparing an appeal to the court. He called on all faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to intensify prayers for their parish and parishioners, urging them to refrain from any provocative or aggressive actions, emphasizing the need to act within the legal framework of the country. 

"I urge all the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to pray intensely for our parish and parishioners. I warn against any provocative or aggressive actions. We are Christians and must act as Christians. Ukraine is a state governed by the rule of law, and all our actions should be implemented in the legal field", said the Bishop.

At the same time, local authorities reported that the first "liturgy of the OCU" had already taken place in the church after the seizure.

As reported by the UOJ, on August 7, 2022, at a parish meeting in Sts. Peter and Paul Church in the city of Bucha, Kyiv region, the congregation made a unanimous decision to remain in the UOC.

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