Video of OCU priest wrapping his head with a stole sparks discussion online

A priest of the OCU insulated his head with an epitrachelion. Photo: Facebook V. Martynenko

In the pro-Filaret Facebook community "For the Ukrainian Church," a video was posted featuring a priest of the OCU, Andriy Tyshchenko, who wrapped his head with an epitrachelion.

"Nothing surprising... A typical priest of the Greek OCU. It's good that he didn't put the epitrachelion under his buttocks or use it to wipe his nose," the authors wrote.

The publication sparked heated discussions, with over 350 comments within a day.

Most people believe that one should not treat liturgical vestments this way.

"Father, what kind of gesture was with the stole??? Is it some sign??? Superstition??? This is not a rag or a shawl but a holy item of priestly attire! But maybe you don't understand this and don't know that such things should be treated with special respect!!! Especially for a priest!" wrote Rusya.

"Oh, this is not a priest if he acts like this! Horror!" supported Olha Salo.

"Look, the priest doesn't even know why he needs an epitrachelion. Shame and disgrace," said Vasily Makarchuk.

Some commentators believe that the administrators of the community, by making such a publication, support the ROC. Others write that they do not see anything subversive in Tyshchenko's actions.

Tyshchenko himself wrote that it was very cold and windy outside. And that priests behave the same way on Mount Athos.

"Repeatedly being on the holy Mount Athos, I saw how monks wear structures made of klobuks, phelonia, and other items of liturgical use around their necks. For those who have not visited, I highly recommend going to pray. God grant that this be my biggest sin," wrote the "priest".

Previously, according to the Ministry of Culture, the OCU did not canonize Patron the dog.

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