Yurash: We’re convincing the Pope that UOC is an anti-Christian structure

Yurash telling the Pope that the UOC is an anti-Christian structure. Photo: Facebook of the Ukrainian embassy in the Vatican

Ukraine's Ambassador to the Vatican Andriy Yurash said in an interview with Ukrainian Radio that he is constantly convincing Pope Francis that the UOC are anti-Christians, but no one in Ukraine is persecuting them.

The Ukrainian Ambassador to the Vatican tells the Pope that no one is persecuting the UOC.

When asked by a journalist whether the Pope "follows our struggle against the Moscow Church," Yurash answered in the affirmative.

"He is definitely following. When the manipulations provoked by Russian propaganda began that Ukraine was persecuting someone, violating human rights, the Pope was modelled certain messages and he tried to ask about them," Yurash said and specified that he and his colleagues "several times provided detailed explanations with sociological data and calculations".

This, he said, has worked, and the Vatican has not issued any statements expressing "concern" about the Ukrainian government's repression of the UOC.

"We keep informing and explaining that in no way is this about violating rights. It is about removing a real ideological ally of the war, that is, a structure that is actually anti-Christian by nature," Yurash said.

As reported, the Eurosolidarity MP complained that "foreign partners" do not understand the danger of the UOC.

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