Filaret: Those I raised betrayed me and spat in my face

Filaret hopes that Epifaniy will die earlier. Photo: Ukrayinska Pravda

In a video posted on the Facebook page of the "Memory of Blessed Metropolitan Mefodiy" Foundation, Filaret stated that those he had nurtured had betrayed and spat in his face.

"When I recall my life, it is all connected with betrayal," said Filaret during a sermon at St. Volodymyr's Cathedral.

According to him, he was betrayed first in Moscow and then at the Kharkiv Cathedral.

"Even now, those I raised have betrayed me. Isn't it painful when you do good, and in return, they spit in your face? It hurts, but one must endure," Filaret said, reminding that Christ also endured.

Earlier, it was reported that, according to Filaret, Epifaniy hopes for his death, but Denysenko expects to outlive him.

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