UOC comments on Health Ministry’s idea to spend 10 mln on LGBT propaganda

Bishop Victor (Kotsaba). Photo: Bishop Victor’s Facebook page

The vicar of the Kyiv Metropolis, head of the Representation of the UOC to European International Organizations, Bishop Victor (Kotsaba) of Baryshevka commented on his Telegram channel on the information about the intention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to spend millions of hryvnias from the state budget on “biobehavioral research among men who have sex with men in 2021".

According to the hierarch, the point is not even that the Ministry of Health spends the money of Ukrainian taxpayers, which could be used more rationally, but “that you and I are gradually being taught to realize that unnatural relationships between men and between women are the norm that they testify to a ‘high civilizational consciousness’”.

The bishop noted that the very fact of the aggressive imposition of LGBT ideology and the reluctance of its supporters to enter into a discussion and listen to the opposite point of view indicates "a lack of conviction in their own righteousness".

“In the end, it should be recalled that we live in a world whose culture has been shaped by established, axiomatic principles, one of which is the principle that marriage is possible only between a man and a woman. The law of God has always been and continues to be at the basis of modern civilization, and persistent attempts to destroy it prove the construction of a "new" civilization, where there is no longer any place for Christian morality and for Christians in general," resumed the UOC hierarch.

We recall that the State Institution "Centre for Public Health" of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on February 1, 2021, announced a tender for the purchase of services in the field of surveys for conducting biobehavioral research among homosexual men. For these purposes, it is planned to allocate more than UAH 10 million from the state budget of Ukraine.

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