"Hierarch" of OCU urges to tag those not loving Ukraine "as rootless dogs"

Adrian Kulik (left) with Petro Poroshenko. Photo: gordonua.com

"Hierarch" of the OCU Adrian Kulik advocates marking all citizens of Ukraine who, in his opinion, do not like their country, with plastic tags in their ear, as is done with stray dogs. He wrote about this in a commentary under the publication of his fellow OCU member, "metropolitan" Alexander (Drabinko), about the UOC.

“Everyone who lives in Ukraine and does not love it had better attach a plastic number to their ears, as it is done with rootless dogs. So that the Ukrainians can see who they deal with,” the “bishop”of the OCU believes.

Screenshot of Adrian Kulik's comment under Drabinko's Facebook post

Drabinko's publication concerned the position of the Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Aleksey Reznikov, who explains why the draft law “On State Policy for the Transition Period” included norms on renaming the UOC.

As the UOJ reported, Reznikov explained the appearance of clauses on the name of the UOC in the law on Donbass.

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