UOC hierarch celebrates Liturgy on Throne Feast of the church at frontline

Archbishop Spyrydon at the liturgy in the church of the frontline village of Кaterуnivka. Photo: Telegram channel "Pokrovske Vikariatstvo".

On 7 December 2023, the vicar of the Kyiv Metropolis of the UOC, Archbishop Spyrydon of Dobropilsk celebrated the Divine Liturgy on the occasion of the Throne Feast at St. Catherine’s Church in the village of Katerynivka, Donetsk region, reports the Telegram channel "Pokrovske Vikariatstvo".

It is noted that the temple is "almost at the frontline", but the community leads a full parish life and even continues to renovate the church.

The bishop was served by the Secretary of the Pokrovsky Vicariate, Archpriest Serhiy Mititiuk, the dean of the Druzhkivka district Archpriest Mykola Melnychuk, the dean of the Iovo-Pochaivsky district in Konstiantynivka Archpriest Vadym Ilchuk, the dean of the Mykolaivsky district in Konstiantynivka Archpriest Andriy Chicherinda, the dean of the Selydovo district Archpriest Eugene Vitiev, the rector of the church Archpriest Valery Voskresensky and other clergymen of the vicariate.

The participants of the service offered a prayer for peace in Ukraine.

The Liturgy was followed by a procession, the Archbishop addressed the flock with a sermon.

As reported, on 2 December 2023, Archbishop Spyrydon made a monastic tonsure of priest Andriy Spasiuk at St. Panteleimon’s Church in the town of Myrnohrad, Donetsk region.

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