Monks allowed to hear the case on UOC's use of Upper Lavra

The Dormition Cathedral and the Refectory Church of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Photo:

On 6 December 2023, the Northern Economic Court of Appeal of Kyiv held a hearing on the case on the use by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Dormition Cathedral and the Refectory Church of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, reports the Lavra's lawyer, Archpriest Nikita Chekman, on his Telegram channel.

Fr Nikita said that during the meeting the court allowed the monks of the Lavra to consider the case and involved them as "third parties".

The next court hearing is scheduled for 22 January 2024.

"Thus, the Court of Appeal little by little eliminates the shortcomings and violations of law of the court of first instance. We believe that the rights of the monks are violated here. The rights are that they have the right to serve at the Dormition Cathedral and the Refectory Church for prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ to sound there rather than sacrilegious concerts," said the lawyer.

As reported, the Court of Appeal postponed the hearing on the case of eviction of monks from the Lavra.

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