Net recalls secret consecrations of UAOC schismatics performed by Phanar

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople. Photo:

In the mid-90s, Ukrainian schismatics from the UAOC were secretly re-ordained by Phanariots in the USA. Blogger Alexander Voznesensky recalled this on his Facebook page.

“In 1995, Constantine (Bagan) and the schismatic structure headed by him submitted a petition to the Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople to accept them under the omophorion of Patriarch Bartholomew. On March 12, 1995, the Synod of the Church of Constantinople granted this request. After that, the re-ordination of the hierarchs and clergy of the former "metropolitanate" of the UAOC in the United States took place, which, however, went quietly. Konstantin (Bagan) then received the title of titular Metropolitan of Irinoupolis and was made head of the autonomous metropolitanate of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the United States,” the blogger recalled a 2012 message.

In his commentary, Voznesensky wrote that “the schismatics ruled by Skrypnik, in fact, were recognized as graceless and without dignity, but in need of re-ordination. Skrypnik himself was not re-ordained since he died before the entry of the UOC-US into the Patriarchate of Constantinople."

The blogger noted that "without a doubt, if his subordinates were recognized as having no dignity, then Skripnik also did not have dignity, based on this state of affairs".

“But in 2018, the same Patriarch Bartholomew, who had previously accepted the UOC-US through ordination, received schismatics who were also under the leadership of the undignified Skrypnik, but somehow they magically acquired the priesthood. Truly wonderful things ... It turns out that the structure is managed by a person who has no dignity, and all his subordinates are bishops and priests. Oh, the depth of Hellenic wisdom! " Voznesensky remarked sarcastically.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) told the Greek media about the "consecration" of Ukrainian schismatics.

In addition, the Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church appealed to the Phanar with a request “to clarify the problem of non-canonical hierarchs and priests who belonged to the former ‘Kyiv Patriarchate’”.

Also, the Synod of the Albanian Church spoke about its position regarding the “ordinations” of the OCU: “How is it possible, according to oikonomia, to recognize these ordinations as having the grace of the Holy Spirit, after all, these ordinations (of schismatics – Ed.) were blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? The choice of the new Primate was the result of Filaret’s perseverance,” the statement says. According to the hierarchs, it is impossible to “retroactively recognize ordinations, which were committed by excommunicated and anathematized Filaret (Denisenko) whose ordinations are invalid, deprived of the grace and actions of the Holy Spirit.”

The Synod of the Cypriot Church also expressed doubts about the schismatic “sacraments”: “The 2000-year history of both the Church of Cyprus and the entire Orthodox Church casts doubt on the possibility of legalizing the sacraments performed by the defrocked bishops, who were excommunicated and fell under anathema."

According to the Primate of the Albanian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Anastasius, "from the moment Filaret was excommunicated and anathematized, he could not perform ordinations".

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