Police storm Kremenets Theological School and evict students

Police evicting female students. Photo: UOJ

At 6:00 a.m. on 30 November 2023, the St. Nicholas Cathedral of Kremenets, on whose territory the regents' college is located, was cordoned off by police, reports the UOC Information and Education Department on its Telegram channel.

All students (who are mostly girls) were told by police officers to leave the premises immediately. The police burst right into the cells, where at that time the students were sleeping, demanded to collect things and immediately go outside. There are 3 buses with law enforcers on the territory.

Some girls have closed themselves in their cells. In response, the police threatened to break down the doors.

The police brought a bus to the St. Nicholas Cathedral, on which the law enforcers intended to take the students to the dormitory of one of the local educational institutions. The students are in a state of shock.

According to the UOJ, the police cut the locks on the St. Nicholas Cathedral.

On 2 October 2023, the Western Economic Court of Appeal confirmed the decision of the Economic Court of the Ternopil Region of 15 June to "return" the St. Nicholas Cathedral (UOC) in Kremenets to the Kremenets-Pochaiv State Historical and Architectural Reserve. According to the court ruling, the St Nicholas community must vacate "the cathedral with cells of the XVI-XVII centuries with a total area of 1,756 square metres".

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