Met. Luke: Legalization of firearms to accelerate extinction of Ukrainians

Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko) of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol. Photo:

Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko) of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol believes that the initiative of the Verkhovna Rada deputies to legalize the sale of firearms in a country where the work of law enforcement agencies is practically paralyzed could accelerate the extinction of Ukrainians since only those who already have privileges can buy weapons, and defenceless ordinary citizens will become only living targets.

“Who can buy this weapon? Obviously not those people who really need at least some protection. Anyone who can buy it will be able to buy any solution that they need,” wrote the hierarch of the UOC on his Telegram channel on Thursday, January 21. What are the deputies seeking? For our country to become a Klondike for those who like to shoot people and get away with it? But there are already too few targets for this."

The bishop believes that the legalization of weapons in the event of the paralysed law enforcement system will give criminals an even greater sense of impunity, which is already evident from the attacks on priests in Zaporizhzhia, “when on the street anyone who wants to can calmly come up and stab a priest in the head, as happened to our priests, knowing they won't even be looked for."

In such conditions, fear for the future of children in Ukraine will further reduce the birth rate, which is already significantly lower than mortality, which in the near future will entail the extinction of Ukrainians as a nation.

"But do the noisy ‘patriots’, who hate their neighbours and at the same time turn a blind eye at how their masters finish off their own people, think about this?" resumed the metropolitan.

As reported earlier, Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko) hopes for a bona fide investigation into the assault on Archpriest Vladimir Gumeniuk, which took place in Zaporizhzhia on January 12.

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