Police open criminal case following beating of UOC believers in Cherkasy

Metropolitan Feodosiy visiting a victim of an attack by OCU raiders on a monastery of the UOC in Cherkasy. Photo: cherkasy.church.ua

On 22 November 2023, law enforcers opened a criminal case against raiders of the OCU in military uniform who beat up clerics and parishioners of the UOC in the monastery of the Nativity of the Theotokos in Cherkasy, reports the head of the Legal Department of the Cherkasy Eparchy, Archpriest Georgy Pohranichny.

Information about the offence committed by the activists was entered into the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations under Articles 125 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Intentional minor bodily harm – Ed.) and 122 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (intentional moderate bodily harm – Ed.).

At the same time, the priest noted that he does not agree with such a decision of law enforcers and will insist on the reclassification of the criminal case to Article 121 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (intentional grievous bodily harm).

"The victim Oleh Slobodianyk has a broken leg with displacement, partial loss of vision and problems with the left side of his head. These are definitely not light or even medium bodily harm," he said.

Four people were seriously injured during the raid on the monastery by people in military uniforms. Medics recorded various fractures, concussions and cut wounds in the victims.

As reported, representatives of the OCU seized the monastery of the UOC in Cherkasy.

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