UOC bishops honor the memory of His Beatitude Volodymyr in his native place

The clergy, monastics and parishioners of the UOC in the native house of His Beatitude Metropolitan Volodymyr in the village of Markivtsi

On November 23, 2023, on the 88th anniversary of the birth of the late Primate of the UOC, Metropolitan Volodymyr (Sabodan), hierarchs and clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church prayerfully honored the memory of the deceased Hierarch in his homeland, in the village of Markivtsi in the Khmelnytskyi region. This information is provided by the press service of the Khmelnytskyi Eparchy of the UOC.

The Requiem Divine Liturgy and Panikhida in the Michael Church of the Golovchinets Transfiguration Monastery were led by Metropolitan Alexiy of Pervomaisk and Voznesensk and Archbishop Victor of Khmelnytskyi and Starokonstantinov. The hierarchs were concelebrated by the secretary of the eparchy, Archpriest Oleksandr Rybchynskyi, the abbot of the Cross Exaltation Monastery in Starokostiantyniv Archimandrite Ioasaf (Horkavchuk), deans, and clergy of the eparchy.

The nuns of the Transfiguration Monastery, led by Abbess Lyubov (Pikhur), participated in the service.

The liturgical chants were performed by the choir of the clergy of the Khmelnytskyi Eparchy under the direction of Archpriest Georgiy Chernyatytskyi, the dean of the Derazhnya district.

During the Requiem Lity, participants in the liturgy pleaded for the repose of Metropolitan Volodymyr.

After the Panikhida, Archbishop Victor spoke to the faithful about the life and labors of the departed Primate.

Subsequently, at the village cemetery, Bishop Victor performed the Requiem Lity on the graves of Metropolitan Volodymyr's parents – Theodosia and Markian. In addition, the hierarchs and clergy visited the house where Metropolitan Volodymyr was born.

As the UOJ reported, on the day of the memory of His Beatitude Metropolitan Volodymyr, the current Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Onufriy, expressed confidence that the deceased First Hierarch prays before the Throne of God for the preservation of the purity of faith by the clergy and flock of the UOC.

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