Crime bosses and assistants to the sponsor of OCU detained in Dnipro

Detention of two assistants to the philanthropist of the OCU. Photo: "Insider” tg-channel

In Dnipro, law enforcement authorities have arrested two major criminal figures, Svydik and Mazepa, for fraudulent activities involving land plots, according to "Strana" news. Both individuals are reported to be assistants to the businessman and criminal authority Alexander Petrovsky, nicknamed Narik.

Svydik and Mazepa were arrested for misappropriating 70 hectares of land on the islands of a lake within the territory of the Peschany village council in Novomoskovsk district. They had planned to develop the land, according to sources cited by "Strana."

Alexander Petrovsky is identified as one of the sponsors of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU, formerly UOC KP). He accompanied Patriarch Bartholomew during his stay in Kyiv in 2021 and was part of the official delegation that traveled to Istanbul in 2019 in pursuit of the Tomos, a move that sparked controversy in society. Petrovsky is also a cavalier of several orders from the UOC-KP and OCU.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that Pavlenko clarified the presence of a criminal authority at the signing of the Tomos.

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