Police open a criminal case over the death of Metropolitan Longin's lawyer

Funeral of Metropolitan Longin's lawyer Valentyn Sukhar. Photo: facebook.com/orthobuk

The police have opened a criminal case regarding the death of lawyer Valentyn Sukhar, who served as a lawyer for Metropolitan Longin. The case is being pursued under the charge of "medical negligence." This development follows Sukhar's death from poisoning, as Carolina Marysheva, the spokesperson for the National Police in the Chernivtsi region, reported to Suspilne.

According to her, the man died in the intensive care unit in the presence of medical personnel after being previously admitted with health complaints. 

As part of the pre-trial investigation, law enforcement authorities have initiated a forensic examination to determine the cause of death.

"The information on this fact has been entered into the ERDR under Article 140, Part 1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine – non-compliance or improper performance of professional duties by a medical worker due to careless or unscrupulous attitude towards them, if this led to serious consequences for the patient," noted the National Police.

As previously reported by the UOJ, the lawyer of Metropolitan Longin, Valentyn Sukhar, died of poisoning.

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