Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra accuses Lotysh of lying

Brethren of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Photo: press service of the UOC

The press service of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra has refuted the statements of the acting abbot Lotysh, who claimed that only elderly monks remained in the monastery. Although the press service does not directly mention Lotysh by name, it is evident from the facts presented that he is the person in question.

"Unfortunately, he is no longer associated with our monastery and can only make a judgement of its condition based on rumors. Currently, there are more than 140 brothers in the monastery, not counting novices," the press service stated.

The text notes that some monks have recently moved to other monasteries but did so with the blessing of the leadership, unlike the mentioned former inhabitant.

The Lavra emphasizes that, for a long time, there has been artificially fueled religious enmity around the Kyiv Caves Monastery. Calls against the presence of monks in their historical abode, disturbances during worship, and documented persecutions of the brotherhood have been recorded. All of this deeply affects the monks who seek to be detached from political twists and worldly concerns, focusing solely on praying for God's mercy, their own well-being, and the prosperity of Ukraine, under divine protection.

The text further states that an increasing number of young monks are becoming clergymen, contradicting the claim that only elderly monks remain in the monastery. The press service concludes by expressing that gloating over the reduction in the number of brethren should not be characteristic of any Christian or Ukrainian who cares about the fate of their homeland.

Earlier, it was reported that Lotysh, according to his own statements, was initially labeled a traitor, and later he joined the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

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