President of Moldova: The Church should unite for the good of the country

President of Moldova Maia Sandu. Photo: Newsweek Romania

Moldovan President Maia Sandu stated on national radio that "all of society, including the Church, should unite for the good of the country," according to the Romanian resource stiripesurse.

"The Church cannot remain on the sidelines and pretend that it practically does not see what is happening. The Church is here for parishioners from the Republic of Moldova and cannot stay anywhere else," Sandu said in the context of calls for the Moldovan Metropolis of the ROC to unite with the Romanian Patriarchate.

Sandu associates these processes with the war that the Russian Federation is waging in Ukraine and which is supported by the ROC.

"The question is obvious: how can the Russian Church support war and the killing of innocent people? In these conditions, the Church in Moldova cannot remain on the sidelines and pretend that it practically does not see what is happening. After all, the Church is here for parishioners from the Republic of Moldova and cannot stay anywhere else. So, just as we feel that we want peace and believe in peace, we also believe that the borders of all countries should be respected. For me, this meant an element of closeness to reality," said Maia Sandu.

In her opinion, "the unity of society will help us, and I hope that this unity will lead us on the path to European integration."

Earlier, it was reported that 5 clerics in the Moldovan Church were banned for switching to the Romanian Patriarchate.

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