Dumenko names Local Churches ready to recognize OCU

Sergei (Epifaniy) Dumenko and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Photo: pomisna.info

The head of the OCU, Sergei (Epifaniy) Dumenko, believes that in the near future its structure will be recognized as canonical by several other Local Orthodox Churches, Orthodox Times reports.

“In general, there are some local Orthodox Churches, in which the majority of the clergy and the primate are practically ready for the recognition of our autocephaly. One of them is the Georgian Orthodox Church, in which there is a majority (majority that agrees with the recognition of the OCU – editor’s note),” the head of the OCU said.

Referring to the Church of Cyprus, Dumenko said that “A similar process is followed in the local Orthodox Churches when there are some priests who disagree (editor’s note: with the recognition). We see it with the example of the Church of Cyprus: Two or three disagree but the majority agrees."

He stressed that “the Church of Cyprus has set an example for other Churches in how they can move towards the recognition of autocephaly” of the OCU.

In his opinion, the Churches of Jerusalem, Romania, Albania and Bulgaria are ready to recognize the OCU.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that on January 3, 2021, the head of the U.S. State Department, Mike Pompeo, said that he made sure that the United States of America supported international recognition of the OCU.

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