Report: Ministry of Culture inefficiently spent 4.2bn allocated for museums

Oleksandr Tkachenko, Avrahamiy Lotysh and Maksym Ostapenko at the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Photo:

The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine in the period from 2018 to 2022 inefficiently used UAH 4.2 billion allocated by the state budget for the activities of the "Revolution of Dignity", "Holodomor-genocide" museums and the Branch State Archive of the Institute of National Memory. This follows from the result of the audit published on the website of the Accounting Chamber.

According to the results of the audit, the Accounts Chamber said that due to inefficient use of funds, the buildings of the museums are in a state of uncertainty about the possible completion of works.

According to the document, the Ministry of Culture violated budget legislation for a total of UAH 3.08 billion.

In addition, almost UAH 209 million allocated from the state budget was used unproductively, inefficiently and uneconomically.

The report also says that the Ministry of Culture used UAH 91 million inefficiently due to untimely management decisions, of which UAH 79.5 million was spent due to an increase in the cost of construction of the Holodomor memorial complex.

The Accounts Chamber noted that about UAH 320 million remained unused due to the lack of control over compliance with legislation in the budget process in the Ministry of Culture.

We remind you that the director of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Reserve Maxim Ostapenko said that the museum needs "colossal funds" to prepare for the 1000th anniversary of the Lavra, which will be celebrated in 28 years.

As reported, the Ministry of Culture said that it would check the relics of the Pechersk saints for authenticity.

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