MP: If a man in uniform beats a priest, he is just a bandit in uniform

People's deputy of Ukraine Artem Dmytruk. Photo:

MP Artem Dmytruk said that those who in military uniform seize churches and attack believers and priests are bandits in uniform and in no way do the "right" things. The MP said this in an address published on his Telegram channel.

Commenting on the seizure of the Holy Spirit Church in the village of Luh in Transcarpathia, Dmytruk noted that representatives of the security firm Armor, who attacked a pregnant woman and a priest of the UOC, defamed the honour of Ukrainian defenders.

"It is a very bad practice when ordinary bandits, enemies of our state put on military uniforms and cover themselves with this. It is incomprehensible to me why the police are in a stupor. If a person wears a military uniform, it does not automatically mean that he is doing the right thing, and this must be understood. A thug who wears a military uniform is not automatically a good person. If he commits illegal acts, he is a criminal, but he just put on a military uniform," he said.

The Armor security company was created on the basis of former servicemen of the 128th brigade of the AFU. Local residents said that members of the organisation repeatedly threatened believers with physical violence, explaining that they were shell-shocked.

As reported, on 11 November 2023, the head of the Armor security firm, Mykhailo Moysiuk, attacked a pregnant woman and the rector of the Holy Spirit Church of the UOC in the village of Luh.

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