OCU clerics offended to be considered impostors by Polish Church

The "hieromonk" of the OCU A. Revtov is upset with the attitude of Polish priests. Photo: Revtov’s Facebook

The "hieromonk" of the OCU Arseniy Revtov, who in violation of the Tomos provisions "serves" in Poland, told subscribers on his Facebook about a conversation with a priest of the Polish Church, who called all clerics of the Dumenko structure "schismatics and impostors".

Revtov recalled that in the Polish Church, there is a practice when a parishioner's affiliation with a congregation is documented. And if he/she wants, for example, to be a godparent at the sacrament of baptism in another parish, he/she must bring a certificate from their priest.

According to Revtov, he was approached for "such a paper" by "a man, a Ukrainian" who went to another city "to baptise a child as a godfather".

Revtov received a call from a priest of the Polish Church, who said that Polish clerics do not recognise the OCU, and that “we are schismatics and impostors, and that we cannot give any documents here". Accordingly, a person who received "such a paper" from Revtov cannot participate in the sacrament of baptism.

Revtov was upset by this conversation. "How much pride, how much arrogance was in his words. If I was a collaborator from the UOC MP, then everything is ok, everything is fine," he writes. He is "surprised" by the position of priests of the Polish Church, who "do not want to baptise Ukrainians".

According to Revtov, Ukrainians in Poland do not need the "Moscow PAOC" at all, as they have the UGCC and the OCU there.

Opinions were divided in the comments to the post.

"Priest" of the OCU A. Dudchenko supported Revtov and pointed out that the Polish Church even stopped dialogue because premises are provided for the OCU there.

And Stefan Oleksandr Khilchuk pointed out that for Revtov there is no difference between the Uniates and the Orthodox: "Dear father, if for you there is no difference between the OCU and the UGCC, then your "church" is worthless. For any heresy, as long as it is not 'Moscow's'."

As earlier reported, the Polish Church stopped cooperation with the RCC because of its support for the OCU.

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