UOC donates 20 oxygen concentrators to Odessa Regional Hospital

Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail at the Odessa regional hospital. Photo: eparhiya.od.ua

On January 6, 2021, on the eve of Christmas, the Odessa Regional Hospital for War Veterans, which is now re-profiled to receive COVID-19 patients, was donated 20 oxygen concentrators purchased by the Odessa Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church together with the “Protection and Mercy” Charitable Foundation, reports the press service of the Odessa Eparchy.

The solemn event was attended by Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail – an honorary citizen of Odessa and Odessa region, the governor of the region Sergei Grinevetsky and the head of the regional Health Department Natalia Odariy-Zakharyeva.

"This is an act of a real Honorary Citizen of the city and region," said Sergei Grinevetsky, expressing gratitude to Metropolitan Agafangel. “All your ascetic activity, your works and prayers have been aimed at peace and tranquillity in the region ... Your personality, your exactingness and your kindness create cosiness and nobility. Everything you do shows an understanding of the need for stability and prosperity in our region."

Thanking the governor for the warm words, the bishop congratulated everyone on the upcoming feast of the Nativity of Christ, noting that "it is a holiday of peace and Divine love".

The metropolitan also called on everyone in their place to try to help overcome this disease, which has spread to the whole world, and especially noted the feat of doctors.

As reported earlier, Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail consecrated an ambulance substation on the territory of the UOC monastery.

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