OCU fires the “bishop” who claimed that the Holy Spirit came on Poroshenko

“Hierarch” of the OCU Daniil Kovalchuk. Photo: kyiv-pravosl.info

On November 7, 2023, the Synod of the OCU dismissed and retired "Metropolitan" Daniil Kovalchuk of Chernivtsi, who had assured his parishioners that "it was through Petro Poroshenko that the Holy Spirit descended, which started off the unification council."

As reported by the OCU's press service, the "hierarch" voluntarily submitted his resignation due to age and health reasons.

"The Synod made the decision to grant this request. The Holy Synod expressed gratitude to His Eminence Metropolitan Daniil for his long-standing service and work at the head of the Chernivtsi Diocese," the OCU stated.

"Metropolitan" Ioasaph of Ivano-Frankivsk was appointed by the OCU's Synod as the new acting head of the Chernivtsi Diocese.

It's worth noting that in 2019, as a "hierarch" of the UOC-KP, Metropolitan Daniil called on uneducated men to "take on the burden of priesthood," explaining that they would be trained later.

As reported by the UOJ, in Vaslovivtsi, "Metropolitan" Daniil Kovalchuk of the OCU tried to force his way into a seized church through the UOC parishioners.

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