Zoria: Carlson and Amsterdam are lying and engaged in propaganda

Evstratiy Zoria considers Carlson and Amsterdam to be liars. Photo: screenshot of the Holos Ameryky YouTube channel

Commenting on the broadcast of Tucker Carslon and the American lawyer of the UOC Bob Amsterdam, spokesman of the OCU Evstratiy Zoria told the Holos Ameryky that these people are lying and engaged in propaganda.

The journalist, calling Amsterdam “the lawyer of the Russian Church,” reminded Zoria that the broadcast of Carlson and Amsterdam was watched by tens of thousands of viewers in the United States and around the world.

“What can you say to people who say that Christians are being persecuted in Ukraine?” she asked Zoria.

In response, Zoria advised her not to listen to what they say but to pay attention to who is doing it.

“This person (Bob Amsterdam – Ed.) was hired by the pro-Russian oligarch Novinsky,” said Zoria and emphasized that Novinsky was a deputy in the Rada from Sevastopol and Mariupol. The spokesman of the OCU told his interlocutor that he sees a direct connection between Novinsky’s parliamentary activities from these regions and their subsequent occupation.

In his opinion, Amsterdam intends to “continue the campaign that the Moscow Patriarchate and pro-Russian forces have been waging for many years to discredit Ukraine and the Ukrainian state.”

Commenting on the broadcast, Zoria said that its participants “are not telling the truth, they are only engaged in propaganda.”

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that, according to Zoria, there is an unprecedented level of religious freedom in Ukraine.

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