Georgian Church Synod: The war in Palestine endangers the world

A meeting of the Synod of the Georgian Church. Photo: a screenshot of the YouTube channel TVertsulovneba

On 2 November 2023, the Holy Synod of the Georgian Orthodox Church condemned military actions in the Middle East and Ukraine, reports

The Georgian Church said in a statement that "from the very first days of the beginning of military actions on the part of Russia in Ukraine, the Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia issued an appeal on the need for an immediate end to the conflict, which would otherwise bring very serious consequences".

"And today, when events in the Middle East are becoming more and more widespread, it is obvious that a globally explosive situation is being created, which exposes the entire world to great danger."

The Synod of the Church of Georgia recalled that "there are already many victims as a result of the wars in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip. Innocent people, children and the elderly are killed along with soldiers; the infrastructure, houses, religious and other buildings are destroyed. In general, there is also sectarian violence".

The Georgian Church "expresses deep sorrow and sympathy to those affected by the war, joins the prayers of all people of goodwill and asks God to grant peace to Ukraine, the Holy Land and the whole world."

"Terror, cruelty, injustice ... are unequivocally condemned, and their direct or indirect support is unacceptable for the civilized world," the Synod of the Georgian Orthodox Church stresses.

Earlier, Patriarch of Georgia Ilia II called on the Primate of the ROC to restore peace.

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