Carlson’s interview with UOC lawyer on UOJ channel gets 1 million views

Carlson Tucker and Bob Amsterdam. Photo: screenshot from the UOJ

The video conversation between Tucker Carlson and UPTs lawyer Bob Amsterdam, published in Russian translation on the Union of Orthodox Journalists' YouTube channel, has garnered over 1 million views.

In the widely-discussed interview, American journalist and television host Tucker Carlson discussed the persecution of the UOC with attorney and human rights advocate Bob Amsterdam.

On Tucker Carlson's own Twitter page, the interview was viewed by a total of over 100 million people in just 3 days. On the UOJ channel, it reached 1 million views in 2 days.

The video has received over 2,000 comments, with the majority of users expressing support for the UOC and criticizing the actions of Ukrainian authorities directed against the Church.

"Thank you for raising this issue. It is an outrage to persecute people for their faith, which has existed for millennia"; "I don't know what faith Tucker Carlson is, but he is absolutely right. His attitude towards the events in Ukraine is decent and honest. Thank you!" "Well, thank God that this issue has been raised in America. And since Tucker Carlson broadcasts worldwide, it reaches the entire world," wrote users.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that the Carlson broadcast with the UOC lawyer was viewed by over 47 million people in two days, and Elon Musk reposted it on his page, asking if UOC priests are being imprisoned.

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