US politician: Ukraine’s not democratic. Look at what they are doing to UOC

Vivek Ramaswamy. Photo: rbc

US presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy believes that Ukraine cannot be called a democratic country because of the persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

In an interview with British journalist Piers Morgan, Vivek Ramaswamy said that he would offer Putin a deal under the terms of which Russia would withdraw from the military alliance with China and in return Ukraine would not be admitted to NATO.

When asked by Morgan if he would give Putin the territories of the sovereign and democratic state of Ukraine, Ramaswamy repeated several times that Ukraine is not a paragon of democracy.

When Morgan disagreed with these words, the US presidential candidate once again said that Ukraine is not a democratic country, reiterating his position by saying, "Look what they are doing to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church right now.”

As earlier reported, Tucker Carlson, an American journalist and public figure, in a conversation with lawyer Bob Amsterdam was outraged by the Ukrainian authorities' persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Later, US businessman and entrepreneur, founder and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, owner of X (Twitter) Elon Musk commented on Tucker Carlson's interview with UOC lawyer Robert Amsterdam.

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