Met Meletiy visits Bukovinian communities of UOC deprived of churches

Believers from Boyanchuk village together with Metropolitan Meletiy. Photo:

Metropolitan of Chernivtsi and Bukovyna Meletiy visited the Orthodox communities of the villages Boyanchuk and Horoshivtsi suffered from the raiding by the OCU, reports the press service of the Chernivtsi-Bukovyna Eparchy.

Vladyka Meletiy talked with believers and saw how the communities live and support the divine service life.

In Horoshivtsi, parishioners pray in a temporary church and plan to build a full-fledged one in 2021.

The UOC community in Boyanchuk village began construction of a new church on July 3. The walls and the domed roof have already been completed. Internal work is now underway – the workers are insulating the roof and making the ceiling.

“Having remained faithful to the canonical blessed Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the believers lost the churches in which they prayed from childhood but did not lose the grace that the Lord had sent them,” the press service noted. “Now we see that the Lord blesses those who accept the right choice, hold on to the true faith and do not compromise with sin and half-truths. The Lord works miracles and helps to revive the divine service.”

As the UOJ reported, on January 20, 2019, in the village of Horoshivtsi, OCU activists held an illegal meeting of the territorial community, the participants of which voted to transfer the temple to the OCU. The Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Boyanchuk was transferred to the OCU as a result of a "church meeting" organized by the head of the village council Ivan Naidish in December 2018.

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