Phanar's сlaims to lead the Church are in line with the spirit of globalism

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople. Photo:

Phanar's claims to the leadership of the Church are in tune with the spirit of the times, filled with the ideas of globalism. Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) of Boryspil and Brovary, the UOC Chancellor, said in an interview with, commenting on the statements of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople about the need to "revise the doctrine of the Church" and recognize that there is a First with "special powers" in it.

“For two thousand years, the Orthodox Church has been living in accordance with the catholic, or, to use secular language, the collegial principle of governance,” noted the UOC Chancellor. "And it has not undergone any significant changes during all this time since it has repeatedly proved its worth and expediency."

Metropolitan Anthony sees, on the one hand, “a tribute to the spirit of the times, filled with the ideas of the advancement and triumph of globalism”, in the fact that the question of the need to move away from conciliarity in favour of establishing one centre of government is being raised.

“It is clear that the corresponding processes also affect the religious sphere,” he explained. “As is understandable, it is much easier to negotiate or even influence the fate of world Orthodoxy, having in front of you one control centre, and not fifteen independent Local Orthodox Churches in their administration.”

On the other hand, the UOC Chancellor continued, “the approval of the“ first without equal” format can be aimed at the maximum deepening of ecumenical processes since the Phanar will have the opportunity to take the issue of finding new forms of union beyond the need for a pan-Orthodox solution."

In the opinion of Metropolitan Anthony, "now, before our eyes, an inferior and harmful copy of world Orthodoxy is being created".

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