Chief Rabbi: Ukrainians and Jews have one enemy and one destiny

The rabbi believes that Ukraine and Israel have one destiny. Photo: Asman’s Facebook

Ukraine's Chief Rabbi Moshe Reuven Asman assured on his Facebook that Israel and Ukraine have "one destiny, one enemy and one evil that we need to defeat".

Commenting on US aid to Israel and Ukraine, Asman said that because of the war in the Middle East, American aid to our country will not only not decrease but will increase. In this, God will help it.

“In overall packages, Ukraine will receive more than it has been receiving from America and so on. I am sure of this; we just need to stick together today. We (with Israel - Ed.) have a common tragedy and there will be a common victory," assured the rabbi and added that "the Almighty will certainly let us win".

Earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said that he wants to fulfil the prophecy of Isaiah.

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