Metropolitan Longin: It does not matter to God what nationality we are

Metropolitan Longin. Photo: a screenshot of the YouTube channel of the Bancheny Monastery

On 27 October 2023, Metropolitan Longin of Bancheny (UOC) reminded the faithful that for God, nationality does not matter.

During his sermon, the bishop noted that the temple is the house of God, "a house of prayer for all peoples", and whoever comes to the temple, "whether he/she speaks Ukrainian or Romanian or other languages – for all God is one and prayer is one" as "all people are brothers and sisters".

"How beautiful it is when God calls us all to Himself to come and save our souls. And that is why we are here today because we are in need of salvation," the bishop said.

He called on the faithful to lovingly forgive all offenders and pray for everyone "so that we can all be in heaven after this earthly life so that we can all live there forever with God".

"It doesn't matter what nationality we are. The most important thing is to be a child of God in heaven. There we will all be together, and there we will no longer have this (earthly) citizenship, but we will have spiritual and heavenly citizenship, and there we will all be brothers and sisters who loved God," Metropolitan Longin emphasised.

As earlier reported, Metropolitan Longin of Buncheny said that he intended to apply to international organisations to defend his rights, as well as the rights of Ukrainians who suffer because of the persecution of the UOC.

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