US lawyer: Zelensky destroys the UOC to take the populist vote

Lawyer Bob Amsterdam. Photo: X Tucker Carlson

US lawyer Bob Amsterdam, during a conversation with journalist Tucker Carlson published on X, stated that he is shocked by what is happening to the UOC, and he believes that Ukrainian authorities are banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to gain voters' support in the upcoming elections.

"The politicians in Ukraine, including perhaps the president, want to take the populist vote of those behind this new church (OCU – Ed.), and therefore feel it's in their political interest to destroy this ancient branch of Christianity (UOC– Ed.). And I absolutely can tell you that the damage that has been visited on the leadership of this church, including five-year jail sentences for 75-year-old clerks, just astounds you – in the 21st century, a country that wants to join the EU would ban a religion," said Amsterdam.

He pointed out that there are no legal grounds for prohibiting any religious denomination according to the Constitution of Ukraine, international law, the laws of war, or Ukraine's own resolution in terms of limited rights during wartime.

"This goes beyond everything. This is a violation of the EU Charter. This is a violation of the Copenhagen criteria that Ukraine would have to satisfy to enter the EU," the lawyer stated.

Amsterdam expressed his shock at the events surrounding the UOC. He referred, in particular, to raids on churches, violence, balaclava-covered individuals, the beating and kidnappings of clergy, emphasizing that it is deeply shocking. He also mentioned that the UN and German experts on Orthodoxy have spoken out on this issue, and many Local Orthodox Churches do not recognize the new "state" church created in Ukraine (OCU – Ed.).

He emphasized that he is shocked that a country like the United States, with strong Christian leadership, could allow this to go on. Amsterdam also noted that "there is a humongous ban on truth right now in the United States with respect to what is happening in Ukraine, and many US leaders aren't even hearing it."

He expressed his support for Ukraine but questioned why this is being channeled against the Holy Synod, people who are dedicated to God and their congregations, who, frankly, represent the most devout part of the Ukrainian population.

Previously, the UOJ reported that, according to Carlson, Ukrainian authorities have banned an entire denomination, while the United States have said nothing about it.

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