Carlson: Ukrainian government banned the entire Church, but US says nothing

Tucker Carlson. Photo: X Carlson

Tucker Carlson, an American journalist and public figure, in a conversation with lawyer Bob Amsterdam, was outraged by the persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church by the Ukrainian authorities. The conversation was broadcast on Tucker Carlson's X.

He stated that "if you take three steps back, a lot of what is happening in the world seems like an attack on Christianity."

“The US government, under several presidents, has effectively funded the killing of Christians in Syria, and this continues throughout the Middle East and Eastern Europe, in Ukraine. The most obvious example: the Ukrainian government has now banned an entire Christian denomination, and virtually no one in the United States has said anything about it,” Carlson said.

Discussing the actions of the Ukrainian authorities against the UOC, he recalled that the government of Ukraine and its defense “are in fact solely funded exclusively by U.S. taxpayers.”

Therefore, Carlson concludes that the United States is interested in the Ukrainian authorities attacking the UOC.

The journalist states that U.S. Christian leaders show no concern for what is happening with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Carlson also added that it was weird that it falls to a Jewish lawyer from the U.S. to defend a Christian denomiantion. "But where is Russell Moore, the editor of Christianity Today? Where is Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, purported Christians? I mean they have to back this. What is this?” Carlson wonders.


Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Tucker Carlson accused the Ukrainian authorities of persecuting Christians.

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