“Little Napoleons”: Laity about Khrushchev-Poturayev’s war with the Church

Tetiana Tsaruk, leader of the "Myriany" in Rivne region. Photo: Tsaruk's Tg channel

In a video on her Telegram channel, Tetiana Tsaruk, the leader of the "Myriany" in the Rivne region, referred to current MPs who are opposing the UOC as "little napoleons" and compared their actions to the persecution of the Church by the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, Mykyta Khrushchev.

"The history of the Orthodox Church has always been tragic. Now we are going through another stage," Tsaruk says. She claims that the current actions of Church persecutors repeat the methods of the Bolsheviks in the smallest details.

Tsaruk reminded that the persecution of the Church was one of the most significant directions of Khrushchev's work, who closed churches and persecuted the clergy.

"Khrushchev died 50 years ago, the USSR has not existed for 32 years. And now, in a supposedly democratic free country, the new Mykyta is going to wage war against the Church. Of course, he is not the General Secretary, but in a short period, he plans to outdo his namesake," says the leader of the "Myriany" in Rivne.

Tsaruk believes that Poturayev will end up just as ingloriously as Khrushchev (the only General Secretary of the USSR who was removed from office), and his colleagues will give an assessment of his activities.

"I really like the characterization 'little napoleons.' Mykyta Poturayev, like Khrushchev, and everyone who fought and is fighting against the Church, are little napoleons. I don't know what drives them into this struggle, but they will definitely receive their assessment. As well as their 'reward,'" said Tetiana Tsaruk.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that the "Myriany" released a video about the church raid technology implemented by the OCU.

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