Novinsky on the ban of UOC: Zelensky has surpassed even Poroshenko

Vadim Novinsky. Photo: Novinsky’s Facebook page

Vadim Novinsky, former MP and protodeacon of the UOC, commented on his Facebook on the passage of Bill 8371 in the Rada, which essentially restricts the UOC.

According to him, this action "only multiplies internal problems, hatred, and contradictions in Ukraine, sows confusion among people, and certainly does not contribute to the unity of Ukrainians."

Novinsky believes that a deliberate disinformation campaign built on lies and hatred is being conducted, with its main task being to divert public attention from the comprehensive failures of the government and redirect it towards the search for "internal enemies."

"Volodymyr Zelensky has already outdone Petro Poroshenko in this regard," he added.

Novinsky emphasized that "there are interests for everyone in this vote—the Ecumenical Patriarch, the artificially created state structure called 'OCU,' but definitely not those of the Ukrainian people."

He accused the deputies of adopting a strategy of persecution against the Church, which parallels the practice of their political predecessors, the Bolsheviks.

"In this case, the deputies have not only committed a crime against the people but also outright treason: Ukrainian politicians have voted to ban the Church in which the majority of them once received the sacrament of Baptism," wrote Novinsky.

He reminded that in the past, there were many who tried to challenge the Lord, but their fate was dismal. The Church was established by Christ Himself, and He is the Head of the Church, and fighting against Him is beyond the ability of any mortal.

"All these politicians—presidents who issue such directives, deputies who vote for lawlessness, officials engulfed in intrigue and gain—will very soon become a thing of the past. But our Church stood and will continue to stand, bringing light, joy, hope, and salvation to millions of people who truly believe in Christ," concluded the clergyman.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that, according to the philosopher Andriy Baumeister, those who are silent about the ban of the UOC are accomplices in the crime.

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