Met. Mark of Berlin compares Ukraine's authorities to Lenin and Stalin

Metropolitan Mark (Arndt). Photo:

On 20 October 2023, Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany compared the current authorities of Ukraine with the rule of Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin, reports the Telegram channel "Herald of the German Diocese".

Metropolitan Mark commented on the vote of the Verkhovna Rada deputies in favour of Bill No 8371, which was passed in the first reading.

According to the Metropolitan, "the Kyiv government and the Rada are playing against the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church exactly the same game with 'loyalty' and 'loyal priests' as Trotsky and Lenin agreed in March 1922, and as Stalin then used it through the "Declaration of Loyalty" (1927) of Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky)".

Metropolitan Mark believes that "now Patriarch Bartholomew accuses the hierarchs of the UOC and (exactly as Metropolitan Sergius did then) claims that the persecuted themselves are indeed lawbreakers and are rightfully persecuted."

"Similarly, in those times, Constantinople, in favour of Lenin and Stalin, actively supported the ‘Renovationists’, who pursued a pro-Soviet policy favourable to the authorities of that time. The picture of a century ago is repeating itself," the bishop said.

According to him, with regard to freedom of belief and confession in Ukraine "only contempt and gross violation of elementary rights reign". "The Soviet Union is repeating itself, only under a different sign," the hierarch stressed.

He appealed "to the conscience of all those who can directly influence the course of events" and called on them to "avert the persecutions against the Church in the land of Ukraine and spiritually support all others on the path of truth with their prayers".

As reported, Metropolitan Mark of Berlin spoke out in support of the UOC.

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