Antiochian Church restoring communion with Jerusalem Church

Synod of the Antiochian Church. Photo: Facebook of the Patriarchate of Antioch

On October 21, 2023, the Holy Synod of the Antiochian Orthodox Church made the decision to restore communication with the Jerusalem Patriarchate, which had been previously severed due to disagreements regarding the jurisdiction of the territory of Qatar, reports Orthodoxianewsagency.

This decision comes in response to the deaths and suffering of the Palestinian people caused by Israel's missile strikes.

The Synod's statement reads: "Since the current circumstances require increased prayers and greater collaboration, the Holy Synod decided to restore communion between the Antiochian Patriarchate and the Jerusalem Patriarchate. It also tasked a competent committee of the Patriarchate to reach out to the brothers of the Jerusalem Patriarchate to find a resolution to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction dispute concerning 'Qatar' in a manner that preserves the right of ecclesiastical jurisdiction for the sake of the Antiochian throne."

Additionally, the Antiochian Patriarchate is sending a delegation to Amman "to express the love of Antiochian believers to the people of the Jerusalem Patriarchate and to support them in these difficult and tragic circumstances."

During the Synod session, Patriarch John made a phone call to Archbishop Christophoros of Kyriakoupolis, expressing the "full support of the Antiochian Orthodox Church in the unjust and barbaric attack on Greek Orthodox monks at the Monastery of Saint Porphyrios in Gaza." He also requested the delegation to convey "solidarity, support, and condolences to Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem for the loss of our brethren."

Previously, the UOJ reported that the Patriarch of Antioch advocates for the creation of an independent state in Palestine.

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