MP on UOC ban: I see benefits for Poroshenko and OCU, but not for Ukraine

MP of Ukraine Artem Dmytruk. Photo:

Ukrainian Member of Parliament Artem Dmytruk stated that the adoption of the bill banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) is beneficial to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) and former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko but does not serve the interests of Ukraine itself. He shared his perspective on his Telegram channel.

"People did not support his (Poroshenko's – Ed.) actions aimed at dividing society and the PR campaign built on it. I understand the benefits for the OCU, for which it will mean the elimination of a competing denomination in the form of the UOC. But I fail to see what benefits this bill will bring to our state. The UOC is not the Russian Orthodox Church. The UOC is not the Moscow Patriarchate; it does not exist. Let's not mix them up. This is a manipulation," he said.

Dmytruk also emphasized that the UOC is not an enemy of the state, but rather it represents six million Ukrainians, the majority of whom support Ukraine on the frontlines or in various capacities.

"His Beatitude Onufriy correctly condemned the war in its early hours. So, who are we trying to ban? Our own citizens who belong to this Church? Many believers from our Church are fighting on the frontlines. How will they perceive this? The UOC is following a path of complete independent existence. The Local Council proclaimed full autonomy, full support for Ukraine, and its state sovereignty," he stated.

As reported by the UOJ, the Verkhovna Rada voted for the ban on the UOC.

As the UOJ reported, Artem Dmytruk said that the adoption of the bill banning the UOC was beneficial to Putin’s "morbid ambitions".

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