Military priests of UOC gather at Brailiv Сonvent for annual forum

The military clergy of the UOC in the Brailiv Convent. Photo:

On October 17, 2023, the military clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church gathered for their annual meeting in the Trinity-Brailiv Convent in the Vinnytsia region, reports the press service of the Vinnytsia Eparchy of the UOC.

Before the meeting, the clergy conducted the Divine Liturgy. The service was led by the head of the Synodal Department of the UOC for Interaction with the Armed Forces and other military formations of Ukraine, Metropolitan Augustine of Bila Tserkva and Bohuslav, who was concelebrated by the hierarchs, leaders, and representatives of eparchial military departments, as well as clerics of the Brailiv Convent.

The abbess of the monastery, hegumeness Antonia (Stetsenko), prayed at the liturgy.

During the liturgy, prayers were offered for victory over the enemy, peace in Ukraine, the health of Ukrainian soldiers, and the healing of the wounded. During the memorial service, the clergy prayed for all the fallen defenders of the Homeland.

After the liturgy, Metropolitan Augustine expressed his gratitude to Abbess Antonia and the sisters for allowing the military clergy forum to take place within the walls of the Brailiv Convent. He wished the participants of the meeting productive work and invoked God's blessings upon them.

As earlier reported, Metropolitan Augustine led a spiritual and humanitarian mission. As part of this mission, priests from the UOC and volunteers from the Hetman Petro Kalnyshevskyi Foundation for the Support of Ukraine's Defenders visited frontline military units.

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