Media: LGBT Pride in Nikolaev held with the approval of OCU

The OCU supports the LGBT movement? Photo:

The LGBT pride "Days of Equality and Pride", which took place in Nikolaev from 8 to 12 December 2020 online, received the approval of the Nikolaev Eparchy of the OCU for this, according to the resource, which published a photo of the relevant documents.

According to the resource, the organizer of the event, the "LGBT Association ‘LIGA’”, received from the "Metropolitan" Vladimir Ladyka of the OCU not only approval for holding a gay pride, but also gratitude "for the dissemination of true Christian values, the principles of equality and love for one's neighbour".

“One of the participants, referring to the documents he posted, boasted on Telegram that within the framework of the festival the association had received the approval of the Nikolaev Eparchy of the OCU on instructions from above. And the officials participating in the event contributed to this,” the resource claims.

This was preceded by the corresponding decree of the head of the OCU Epiphany Dumenko.

"The Nikolaev Eparchy of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, with the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Epiphany of Kyiv and All Ukraine, fully supports the good undertakings of the association and in the future is committed to provide any possible assistance in a charitable cause," says the "gratitude" of the OCU "Metropolitan" of Nikolaev dated December 9, 2020, addressed to GO "LIGA".

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the hierarch of the UOC opposed the holding of the LGBT march in Zaporozhye.

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