Serbian Church diocese: Church doesn’t serve interests of political parties

Worshippers of the Serbian Orthodox Church at a divine service. Photo:

The Raška-Prizren Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church said that the Church does not serve political parties, reports the official website of the diocese.

The statement published on the website of the Raško-Prizren Diocese said that "the Serbian Orthodox Church is not a political organisation" and cannot be used as a "platform" for any organisations and movements to organise political gatherings.

"The Serbian Orthodox Church is the oldest Serbian spiritual and national institution in these lands, which has been working continuously for centuries, spreading the Gospel, uniting the people around faith in Christ the Lord," the statement said.

The diocese noted that "the priesthood and monasticism with faithful people persist and survive in the most difficult conditions thanks to the firm belief that only by trusting in God can we remain as we are."

The diocese stressed that "it is absurd to expect the SOC, which works to keep the unity of our people around the spiritual tradition that has preserved us for centuries, to side with one or another political organisation."

The appeal says that the Diocese of Raška and Prizren is guided by the example of Patriarch Paul and therefore, "in our sanctuaries, monasteries, parish churches, gathers the faithful, calls for peace and at numerous meetings with international representatives actively testifies to the problems facing our people."

"Our Church has been and will continue to be a firm support and consolation for our people, and we will continue our evangelical witness as befits the Church as a spiritual institution. That is why we do not want to be involved in inter-political confrontation and the creation of discord among our people, and we are not ready to allow the reputation of the Church and our sanctuaries to be used for political purposes," emphasized the diocese, noting that temples cannot be used as "political platforms".

Earlier, the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church made a statement about the situation in Kosovo.

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